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‘Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ’ (Col. 4:2-3).

Thanksgiving and prayer

We have often called on your prayers for us in the past year. God has answered; He provided a fine home in Kampala, He gave safety during all our travels to and through Karamoja. We were allowed to stay healthy, He healed illness and pain. We also thank Him for making the way clear for the new step to be taken: moving to Kotido, a dusty village in Central Karamoja.

We ask prayer at this time for:

  • Strength, health, courage and wisdom to make the transition from urban to rural.
  • A home, it looks like we are going to build one.
  • Letting go of Obed and Moses as we take them to school in Kenya.
  • Open doors for the gospel in a spiritually dark area.
  • Security, as the Karamoja region is notorious for security issues (cattle raids, armed gangs, many confrontations between army and robbers).

Become a regular supporter!

AIM is faith-based mission. We have been sent out for our mission in faith that God provides for our sustenance. And we are looking for people who also believe in that: folding hands and joining hands.

AIM does not provide a salary. Also, the congregations that will commission us, cannot bear that responsibility alone. We ask you to consider supporting our mission financially with a one-time donation or a monthly contribution. All donations are tax deductible. All donations are specifically designated for our family’s support. Canadian donations: write our names on the page of non-Canadian members. When in doubt, contact the respective offices.